For one of my CARE Awards task I had to create three motivational posters. I have a picture and I show a meaning of it. This quote was originally from Richie macaw
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Ms Kirkpatrick.
Friday, 11 December 2015
Thursday, 10 December 2015
Motivational poster
For one of my CARE Awards task I had to create three motivational posters. I have a picture and I show a meaning of it. This quote was originally from Jonah Lomu.
Motivational poster
Motivational poster
For one of my CARE Awards task I had to create three motivational posters. I have a picture and I show a meaning of it. This quote was originally from Martin Luther King .
Motivational poster
Quality Blog Comments(To Pt England Room 13)
This is my Comment that I did to Pt England Room 13 To see if my blog commenting is good I have read through again, thats the way we have to find our mistakes in our own work. This kind of activity helps me to understand how to write proper blog comment to other schools.
Quality Blog Comments(To Zahn)

This is my comment that I did for Zahn movie it was a amazing movie that he made with latham and john. When we had to watch it altogether Mrs Anderson looked like she loved it.(Nce work guys keep up the good work)
Quality Blog Comments
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
Aretha Franklin: Respect
(oo) What you want
(oo) Baby, I got
(oo) What you need
(oo) Do you know I got it?
(oo) All I'm askin'
(oo) Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit)
Hey baby (just a little bit) when you get home
(just a little bit) mister (just a little bit)
I ain't gonna do you wrong while you're gone
Ain't gonna do you wrong (oo) 'cause I don't wanna (oo)
All I'm askin' (oo)
Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit)
Baby (just a little bit) when you get home (just a little bit)
Yeah (just a little bit)
I'm about to give you all of my money
And all I'm askin' in return, honey
Is to give me my propers
When you get home (just a, just a, just a, just a)
Yeah baby (just a, just a, just a, just a)
When you get home (just a little bit)
Yeah (just a little bit)
[instrumental break]
Sweeter than honey (oo)
And guess what? (oo)So is my money (oo)
All I want you to do (oo) for me
Is give it to me when you get home (re, re, re ,re)
Yeah baby (re, re, re ,re)Yeah baby (re, re, re ,re)
Whip it to me (respect, just a little bit)
When you get home, now (just a little bit)
Find out what it means to me
Take care, TCB
Oh (sock it to me, sock it to me,
sock it to me, sock it to me)
A little respect (sock it to me, sock it to me,
sock it to me, sock it to me)
Whoa, babe (just a little bit)
A little respect (just a little bit)
I get tired (just a little bit)
Keep on tryin' (just a little bit)
You're runnin' out of foolin' (just a little bit)
And I ain't lyin' (just a little bit)
(re, re, re, re) 'spect
When you come home (re, re, re ,re)
Or you might walk in (respect, just a little bit)
And find out I'm gone (just a little bit)
I got to have (just a little bit)
A little respect (just a little bit)
When you get home, now (just a little bit)
Find out what it means to me
Take care, TCB
Oh (sock it to me, sock it to me,
sock it to me, sock it to me)
A little respect (sock it to me, sock it to me,
sock it to me, sock it to me)
Whoa, babe (just a little bit)
A little respect (just a little bit)
I get tired (just a little bit)
Keep on tryin' (just a little bit)
You're runnin' out of foolin' (just a little bit)
And I ain't lyin' (just a little bit)
(re, re, re, re) 'spect
When you come home (re, re, re ,re)
Or you might walk in (respect, just a little bit)
And find out I'm gone (just a little bit)
I got to have (just a little bit)
A little respect (just a little bit)
Aretha Franklin: Respect
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Why do you think it is important to learn math in school.
This is my presentation about why do you think it is important to learn maths in school. We used the ruler as our characters to make it more interesting. I worked together with my classmate San tat.We think that this is a very cool way of telling people why Maths is important at school.
Student leader Nomination
Try your best. Never give up. Work Together. When all is rough.
To represent Panmure Bridge School as the 2016 Sports Leader, would be a huge privilege and honour. I am a great leader that doesn't only stand in front of my team, but a leader who will also stand beside them, being a faithful and loyal person to them. Not only do I bring team spirit to the field, I bring a fair game, with confidence in every individual. Sportsmanship is key to a good game in my view. If you have fun and a great time, that’s all that should really matter. On the field, my team is my family. I respect each member as I would to my sister, I treat each member as I would treat my mother and I believe in each member as I believe in myself. I think that being a humble leader, is the only way to lead my team towards success.
Try your best. Never give up. Work Together. When all is rough.
Student leader Nomination has been good I was likely voted to be sport leader. When i got voted we had to do a paragraph to persuade the teachers if we are good for it. I had a bit of help from fine so it can be interesting. I was very proud that I got chosen to be a leader for 2016. I think that I can be a good leader to PBS not only do I bring team spirit I bring a fair game with confidence.
Student leader Nomination
Monday, 7 December 2015
What is problem solving and does it only happen in maths?
Problem solving is something that's got to do with numbers and to solve a solution. I also think that problem solving is to use different strategies to find out a problem. Problem solving is using your mathematical thinking to find the answer. Problem solving is explaining a problem. Problem solving doesn't only happen in maths.
Today I wrote a paragraph on what is problem solving and does it only happen in maths. After that I got paired up with Jacob and we both checked each others paragraph.Then we had to comment on there paragraph.
Friday, 4 December 2015
Flag Results
Today we had a school vote based on which flag we would want the flag to be changed to. Every student in our school had a chance to choose which flag they wanted. Mr. Johnston shared the results with us today.The flag i chose was the red and blue fern I like this flag because it is eye catching to me and it brings the cutlers together as one.
Flag results
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Care award
I did this information brochure with john about belonging to Panmure bridge school this information brochure is for my care award challenge. We had to make an information brochure on belonging to PBS
Care awards
Letter to Term 1 Manu
LI : To reflect on personal goals set in Term
Dear Term 1-Manu
I have had a great year and I have achieved my goals for this year but I still haven’t got there because I’m still afraid to ask for help. I have also achieved to learn how to use my netbook but there is more to learn about. I have made lots of progress in my work and Mrs Anderson said that “My learning has been very good so that means you're improving”. What a wonderful year it has been good, to learn with my classmates and teachers. I think I need to make sure that I chose wiser choices about my surroundings. Thanks for the tips and goals. They have really helped me achieve to where I am today!
From: Term 4 Manu
Letter to term 1 manu
Choosing a new flag
Today we have been voting for what flag we like. My group chose this flag because it shows all the cultures coming together as one and rising to the future. My group also chose this because it is eye catching and very outstanding. We also have been doing oral language to for oral language we did 4, 3, 2, 1 For this activity we had to choose what flag we liked and read about it. We had to share our ideas on why we liked this flag to our partner. When we finish we had to get in to a group of four but instead our group had six we had to share our ideas again with our group on why we liked the flag we chose. Then we had to create a DLO that had a 50 word paragraph.
choosings a new flag
Thursday, 19 November 2015
Working with my Critical Friend: Wiremu/Manu
Today me and my critical friend.
Were working on a term 1 E-astle testing writing. Before we done it we made a copy before we done anything. We edited on Wiremu's E-astle writing term 1. It was pretty bad because He told me he doesn't like writing: His recount story was about his Sisters Birthday and on how His imaginary sister celebrated her birthday. They first went to valentines were you can get all the fattie food But fresh.
Were working on a term 1 E-astle testing writing. Before we done it we made a copy before we done anything. We edited on Wiremu's E-astle writing term 1. It was pretty bad because He told me he doesn't like writing: His recount story was about his Sisters Birthday and on how His imaginary sister celebrated her birthday. They first went to valentines were you can get all the fattie food But fresh.
Critical friend
Friday, 13 November 2015
Science at tech
Today we went to tech and did wood work after wood work we went to learn more about science. It was cool to learn lots of important information about science.
Science at tech
Care Awards
This is my DLO about Richie Mccaw for Care awards he ignores peoples opinion about him. He stays strong and positive.
Care awards
Thursday, 12 November 2015
Care awards
This is my DlO That I did for Care awards. It shows how to stand up to bullies and to ignore the bullies and walk away.
Care awards
Care Awards
This is my DlO for my care awards. I did this for the care awards but also to tell others how important PHN is for your school.
Care awards
Science With Rm 6
This is our Jaffa Experiment that we made together. To make the jaffa go far we use a lot of material to make our slide big and tall. Our team was the winning team our jaffa went 955 meters.
The jaffa experiment
Guy Fawkes
This is our guy Fawkes DLO this shows what is guy Fawkes. I have learnt a lot about guy Fawkes and how the catholic people felt when they were tutored.
Guy Fawkes
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
This is me and latham's DLO about Dare we have learnt a lot about Drugs that we can use and drugs that are good for us.
Friday, 23 October 2015
In Music we learnt the xylophone. We had to join up with another group so we can play when the saints go marching. Every group had to play the song with there group. Room 5 did this without Miss Eeles. But we steel had to do it it was fun to play the song with room 5.
Wheel chair rugby
This is my DLO that I did with Santat we did this for reading. We had to read a book and see how many information that you got with your buddy these are the information that i got with Santat.
wheel chair rugby
The 6 W's
Room 5 has done a DLO about The 6 W's. This is what I have done so far it shows you what the six w's mean and whats there purpose.
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
7x tables - Manu
Here is a DLO about 7x tables. This relates different ways of explaining to to figure out the answer. This is includes Arrays, T chart, Skip counting, Groups of.
This is a DLO that i did but we had to show our working out with Miss Anderson these are the steps that you have to do to work out the question.
Monday, 19 October 2015
Friday, 16 October 2015
Math grid game
This is a Math game that room 5 did altogether it was a fun game to play because you get to learn your time tables really fast. The game goes like this you roll the dice for example 3 and 2 then you time it all together then you fill the grid up then when the time is over you check how many grids are not covered if you have the least then you when maybe you can try and play this at home.
Math grid DLO

Room 5 did music but not with Miss eels instead Fine, Tim and Yvette taught us it was cool because they taught me some cords to play and even Miss Anderson learnt something.
Ukelele DlO
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Shake out
Today we had to do a DLO about Shake out I did this with Zahn and dontalian. I learnt a lot of different things about an earthquake and tips of what to not do and do.
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Story Swap
Today in Writing we did a 'story swap' in pairs to write a collaborative recount that made sense. It was a bit challenging because we could only write one sentence at a time, we weren't able to talk to each other and we had to make sure our ideas flowed even though we weren't thinking the same thing. I learned that if you read your story out loud you can hear if the tense is wrong.
I stared into the cracked windows of the abandoned house trying to discover its secrets. I had to walk in. I felt scared but I still had to do it. The house had stuff I hadn’t ever seen before. I was at least five steps away from the broken door when it slammed behind me. I went into a room and all I could see was an empty space. everything looked shut down. I felt someone watching me as I looked out a window. I turned around but there only the sound of a piano being played to trace. I followed the sound and it took me somewhere where there was a picture of an old scary looking lady. I walked up to it, examining her. Was the music coming from a place behind the picture. I lifted the picture up and took a little look. I saw who was playing the piano. The lady in the picture sat on the seat playing a fast rhythm. When I lifted the picture up more she stopped and focused her action on me. I had this feeling that she was going to come closer but she just sat there and looked at me. I heard breathing. I quickly turned around and saw her there. Confused at why I was here but i just kept staring back. I didn’t know what to do. I blanked out. When I woke up I was outside on the grass.
story swap,
Thursday, 24 September 2015
My personal passion
This is my Personal passion DLO I did this because it is for The care awards. I like doing this stuff because it is fun and I get to do it with my friends.
My personal passion
Wednesday, 23 September 2015

I liked dance because ti was creative and lots of people had lots confidence and maybe i will think about going there next year maybe. I liked dance because every one had a great smile the hole way.
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
Pak' n Save trip
Room 5 and Room 8 worked together to make a DLO about our Pak' n Save trip. We helped each other read the information on the food labels and think about which brand was more healthy. We looked at the nutrients in our everyday food like breakfast cereal, bread, milk and dairy, snack foods and drinks.
Healthy food,
Pak' n save trip DLO
Friday, 18 September 2015
This is what we had to do at Tech we had to do a mindmup about What we like I did Rugby because it is my passion and i love to play rugby with my friends and have fun but mostly representing my club and family.
This is what we did at tech we did colour schemes this is what we had ton do you had to write a clolour then write something that is the same. It was fun because i didn't know anything about it but Miss Anderson taught us all about it
Cross country
This is me doing cross country I come tied with latham as 4 but I was exited to do it and have fun with my friends. In the Year 7 boys 1st Zahn 2nd Gozan 3rd Thomas. I was pumped for the day because I got to run and Encourage other people.
Cross country
Thursday, 17 September 2015
Run Jump Throw
Today Room 5 went to run jump throw this is me and Santat. When we were practicing our skills for discus we were trying to get it through the cones. I like run jump throw because i got to learn more skills about Athletics.
Run jump throw
Tech the teacher
Teach the teacher is part of our PBS Care awards. To get this signed off I taught Mrs Anderson how to throw a discus at athletics coaching. I think she was very good at it because she listened to me and she learnt it so fast.
Care awards,
Tech the teacher
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
This is all of Room 5's food scraps it is a lot
As you can see again we have to stop eating chippies and it more fruits
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Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Still LIfe Sunflowers
This is my sun flower art that I did with Miss Donaldson. We learnt how to paint a sun flower. It was really hard but I did it in the end. The Sunflower painting we did was like the one that Vincent Van Gogh did. This style of painting is called 'still life'. It was fun learning to mix colours.
Vincent Van Gogh
Monday, 14 September 2015
My Speech
Good morning to all. My question to you is why would NZ change the flag. Why does NZ have to change the NZ flag they should be proud of their flag it has been through a lot of important stuff. Why would NZ change the flag they should keep the flag because it has been in our life for hundreds of years.
NZ should not change the flag because it is very expensive.NZ should not change the flag because it is very important to me because i was born with it standing with pride and joy.the flag has been around for almost 170 years! It cost around 2.7 million we could have used all that money for better things like Christchurch.
They should think about spending the money on something useful like rebuilding Christchurch to help the people that really need a house.We shouldn’t change the flag because, we have represented who we are with the NZ flag for many years.
It is a symbol to remember New Zealand was a part of the British Empire. You should be very proud with the flag because it has lots of pride in what you do. Instead of spending the money on changing the flag we should help the poor and homeless people.
If you don’t agree with me then you should think again because the NZ flag has been in a lot of different events with many people like the soldiers who went to war and fought under the NZ flag.
NZ flag debate,
persuasive speech
Queen Elizabeth DLO
This year Queen Elizabeth II became the longest reigning queen in British history. That means no one else has been queen longer than her.
Queen Elizabeth DLO
Last week the year 7's went to wood work with Mr Grandy it was fun to do wood work with him because he taught us a lot of different ideas to do I was looking forward to doing wood work with him again.
tech woodwork
Thursday, 3 September 2015
Run Jump Throw
Today Rm 5 has went to Run Jump Throw we learnt a lot of skills.We learnt skills that are In long one of them where swinging arms.We have to make sure that we swing are arms when we jump or you will have no support in your jump. Our next step was remember bent knees because when you bend your knees you will get a lot power to your jump.
Run jump throw
Thursday, 27 August 2015
Run,Jump and Thorw
Today Rm 5 has went to Run,Jump and throw this Is our starting point we have very good starting but we have to practice on our standing tall,looking straight,cheek to cheek with arm movements,light feet,high Keens and never looking at the starter. Also Andy Taught us all these stuff to learn how to be a pro sprinter.
Labels: jump thorw
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
Home Learning: Pay it forward
Last night Rm 5 had to take a picture of them doing something for someone,what I did was folded the clothes and made my mum and dad a cup of tea.They were so happy that they bought me and my sister some Mac Donald's for dinner I was so surprised that I got Mac Donald's for dinner cause we were just going to sleep.
pay it forward
Tuesday, 11 August 2015
Home Learning: Pay it forward.
Part of last night's home learning was to do something with or for someone else. I chose to do the laundry. It was a hard job but I still did it. It took a while but I still finished it. When I finished my mum was surprised because it was all clean and tidy. I was surprised myself because I have not done that much work in a while!
Home learning,
Friday, 7 August 2015
Cook Island
This week room 5 did Cook Island homework.I learnt that Cook Island celebrates 50 years as a nation.Also did you know that cricket and soccer is the widely played sport in Cook Island but rugby is the most popular sport they play.
Cook island,
Thursday, 6 August 2015
Using speech marks
This is My work that i have done with Zahn and Jacob we did popplet because it is very easy we just done the title and typed down what we know about speech marks.
Using speech marks
Wednesday, 5 August 2015
Online Math challenges
Today room 5 has done math challenges.One of the math games was sketch world as you can see you have to do division if you get nine right you get to play the math game.
Online challenges
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
I fake text: Should we provide breakfast for Nz schools
Today room 5 has done a ifake text message about should we provide breakfast for Nz schools i think no because parents should be responsible for there kids breakfast.
Thursday, 23 July 2015
Complex sentences
Today room 5 has been learning want is a independent clause and want is a dependent clause this is want me and Zahn learnt about about it.
Complex sentences,
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
How to write a Persuasive text
This is A DLO about how to write a persuasive text you need Oreo,language features,Persent tense I learnt alot of interesting facts.
Persuasive text
Today room 5 has done a DLO about Hauora it is 4 wall that make the Hauora stand if one of them fall it will collapse.
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Friday, 3 July 2015
This is my homework that i have done it is about hamburgers it has information, facts and history about hamburgers.Also did you know that in 1921 the first fast food restaurant was opened that sold hamburgers for 5 cents.
Purpose of the outcome
Today at tech we had to do a DLO about How is the purpose of the outcome this is mine that i did.
This is a Mindmup about interface we did this at tech.As you can see there are stuff that have screens on it.
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