Today Ls2 has been Creating a DLO or Movie about there journey in 2016. I made a Stupeflix to show my learning and my reflection on this year with Ls2. I would like to give Ms Kirkpatrick and Mrs Anderson a big thank you for teaching me everything and getting me ready for college.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Ms Kirkpatrick.
Friday, 16 December 2016
2016 Graduation
On Wednesday night the year 8's of P.B.S went down to Pakuranga salling club for Graduation. I made this Stupeflix video of my reflection on it. At the end of the day we all had fun with our friends and teachers, I would like to say a big thank you to Ms Kirkpatrick for making this happen and also to Mrs Anderson and Mrs Berk.
2016 Graduation.2016,
Thursday, 8 December 2016
Care Awards
Today Sebastian and I taught Mrs Anderson how to play capture the flag for our care awards, so basically Sebastian and I draw out a picture on how to play, you can play this game any where anytime with family and friends.So here are some tips on how to play capture the flag. First get cones(Any sized cones) then you split your teams so they are even. Next line your team up on each sides lied on the ground. Then someone will start the game, then both teams split your teams and make a choice on who should stay on defenses and half of the team try to get to the other base. When you are in there base you are safe and you can't be taged. so there is a line in the middle so it is half. If you are taged in the other teams half you are taged and now you have to wait for one of your own team mate to come and save you.
2016 Manu,
Care awards
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Tuhuna Torea Visit
On Tuesday Room 5, Ls1 and Ls2 went down to Tahuna Torea to learn about Godwits and have a bit of fun with everyone. The whole of Ls2 walked and explored the wet lands of Tahuna Torea. We learnt a lot about Godwits and we saw no Godwits, but at the end of the day we all had fun and it was a very sunny and tiring day.
Manu and Eric,
Tahuna Torea Reflection
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Kuaka Reading
Today for reading LS2 were learning about the Bar Tailed Godwit. We were split into groups, our groups name is R, we had to complete the activities that Mrs Anderson set for us. We first did the connections, in the connection challenge we had to learn about connections There were three topics Today, 30 Years Ago and 100 Years ago. We also did Reciprocal Reading, we had to read the text about the Bar Tailed Godwit.K
Eric And Manu,
Kauka reading
Monday, 5 December 2016
Rocket DLO - Tech at Tamaki College
This afternoon the whole of ls2 have been finishing of there rockets DLO for tech. We had a normal tech day but this time it was a bit different because we stayed there for the whole day to build rockets for Mr Dun. I would like to say a big thank you to Mr Dun for taking his time of work and giving us this opportunity of having this amazing and fabulous day.
Rockets DLO - Tech at Tamaki College
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Kuaka(Bar Tailed Godwit) Migration
Today we had another session of Inquiry. In our last session, we were making notes about the kuaka and their migration route but today we were putting it together on a storyboard.
Kuaka(Bar Tailed Godwit) Migration
Today we had another session of Inquiry. In our last session, we were making notes about the kuaka and their migration route but today we were putting it together on a storyboard.
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Flight Comparison
Zahn, Gozan and I For inquiry this term the year 8's have been learning about the Bar tailed Godwit. This DLO was about flight comparison and what do they do during the flight from New Zealand to Alaska. We were learning to create a DLO that shows how long do birds fly also to retell our story in our own words.
Flight Comparison,
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
This is a game I played Today. I was practicing to Visualize. Today we had to play games like making connections, Visualize, Questioning cube and Detective Notebook. Today I have been playing the Visualize game, we had to choose a image that best suited to the text.
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Infographic- How do Birds Fly?
This term LS2 has been learning about Godwits and Flight. This is my DLO about How Do Birds Fly. We were learning to create an Inforgraphic that shows how birds fly also to retell our story in our own words and also why do birds migrate.
How to fly,
Friday, 11 November 2016
Bar tailed Godwit:Poplet
Today, with this task I worked with Gozan, we have finished out Popplet/DLO about the Bar Tailed Godwit. This was our first activity with Mrs Anderson. It was a really fun task me and Gozan worked collaboratively together on this topic.
Thursday, 10 November 2016
Commenting on Blogs:
Today, I have been commenting on some of the students of Panmure bridge school in my class,Now that I have commented i have decided to publish it on my blog. This was fun because I got to see other children in my class learn the same as me but from different sides of the task.
Blog commenting,
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
Manaiakalani Film Festival - Commenting on movies.
Today, the entire school of Panmure bridge was going to watch movies that were made by other schools in the Manaiakalani school cluster.Now, that we have watched all of the movies, we have commented on the movies we liked ( Or other movies from schools you haven't seen).
Film Festival,
Today we were learning about "Hyperbole" We then researched this to find out what it meant. In this Google Drawing I have explained briefly what it means and how it is used in the writing or text. The past few days we learnt a lot about hyperbole
Monday, 7 November 2016
Current Events
Today I was focusing on my Current Events for my Can Do's. I chose the topic Ireland beat the All blacks because I thought it was a interesting topic that everyone wanted to hear about. I very like Current Events because I get to learn a lot about the outside world and what is going on.
2016 LS2 Current event,
Can do's.
Today LS2 had fun throwing our paper planes. We each had a turn flying our Planes in groups and then we had to share all our ideas together and come up with the ultimate plane. Once we were done making our ultimate plane we had to find the person who was good at throwing planes in each group. We each had a turn throwing our planes. Congratulations to Thomas for throwing the furthest.
Friday, 4 November 2016
Learning through Adventure
Zahn, Eric, Harlem, Cj, Calvin and I was chosen to go to the learning through adventure session with Robert and Leen. We learnt about a lot of stuff like Confident's, Team work and also Effective communication. Today we got a opportunity to go with Robert and Leen to the Auckland museum. I would like to give a big thank you to Robert and Leen for making this happen and giving us this opportunity to go to the museum and having the best time of our life.
Learning through adventure.,
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
Jean Batten DLO - Inquiry
Manu and Jane
Blog commenting
Today I have been doing my blog commenting, I have been commenting on Sajiha, Pote and Evelyn's blog. This has been fun telling others what I think about there learning and what they need to fix.
Quality Blog Comments
Jean Batten Timeline
Today, I've finished my DLO about Jean Batten timeline. She was the pioneer of female Aviation. I've created a Poplet to show my learning throughout this task.
Saturday, 22 October 2016
Forces of Flight
Today, LS2 was split into its two year group's for Inquiry,the Years 8's worked on the four forces of flight. They needed to be balanced to fly for long of periods of time in the air.
Kiwi sport - Touch Rugby
Today some of the students of LS2 went down to the hall as the weather conditions were not good. We had the most wonderful time with Traves and learning passing skills and how we could move forward faster then stepping and doing the fancy stuff.
Today, the year 8'sand some of the year 7's learned about Smart searching and some new websites. Mrs Olgilvie taught us and showed two websites but 2 more sub-sites. One of the sites was called We were showed a site created by the National Library, it is called Topic Explorer. I would like to thank Mrs. Ogilivie who is a librarian at the National Library ( In Auckland) for presenting these wonderful thing to us.
Friday, 21 October 2016
Y8 Music/Dance
For Music, The LS2 Year 8's performed a dance that was solely based off the shape/size of a birds movements. My Group was last to perform ( As in: doing the shape and patterns from the feather).
For Music, The LS2 Year 8's performed a dance that was solely based off the shape/size of a birds movements. My Group was last to perform ( As in: doing the shape and patterns from the feather).
Y8 Music/Dance
For Music, The LS2 Year 8's performed a dance that was solely based off the shape/size of a feather. My Group was second to perform and we used a Blue Jay's feather( As in: doing the shape and patterns from the feather).
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Reading Challenge

Today Mrs Anderson's reading group has been doing reading challenges to practice our Skimming and Scanning. We learnt what Skimming and Scanning Means Skimming is like a low flying plane - It goes over the information once and quite quickly. Scanning is like an helicopter, it finds what you are looking for and then hovers over until the information has been found.
Reading Challenge
Monday, 17 October 2016
Rhythm Interactive
Today we went down to the hall to do rhythm Interactive. We sat down and started of straight away, they didn't introduced them self. We sang and did beats we had the most best time with them. Johnny and Lucy told us action speaks louder then words.
Rhythm Interactive
Friday, 14 October 2016
Drink Water Only in Schools
Panmure Bridge School has recently introduced drink water only in schools. We have talked about what drinking water does to our body and what happens when we don't have enough of it. We also found the differences between dehydration and hydration.
Monday, 10 October 2016
Year 8 Graduation Dance Practice
Today, the year 8's had their first dance practice with our beautiful and fantastic instructor Sonja she taught us the rock and roll basics and turns and the Cha-Cha Basics. We practice in pairs while the girls changed partners. I had a very happy time at Dance and also getting to some new moves.
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Picture Prompts:
Once upon a time there lived wonderful lady named Cinderella. She lived in a house tucked in the forest and hedges covered with roses. She had an amazing talent to make people smile. But one day she lost her beauty and made everyone mad and ugly. She felt very angry and disappointed that she couldn’t make everyone smile ever again. One beautiful day Cinderella asked a random man can you please help me get my powers back. The man said sure but you have kiss this frog.
quick writes
Today, we had a fun 40 Minute game of Quizziz. We played against each other by getting the right answer the fastest. Recalling answers to that equation can help in the IKAN or any Maths test in the future (That need to be fast). I worked with my friend Sebastian to play this game as some people don't have netbooks. It was great fun and help improve my fast facts. I also have to improve not hit the wrong answer because I was under-pressure. We challenged each other but also our teachers (Mrs Anderson came 1st)
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
Panmure Library - Stig
On Friday room Ls1,Ls2 and room 5 went down to panmure library. We met a enthusiastic man called Stig Wemyss. He is a voice artist and is the narrator for andy griffins books. He really hooked us in because he talked in a loud voice and was a confident speaker. Stig picked out people to do the awesome challenges and if you completed them you earn a prize. He was telling the funniest jokes and questions. I was chosen and i had to play a game with stig.Stig and I had to read a book if you get's a sentences wrong I have to say Stop do it again idot.And I finally won and got the prize.There were many more challenges and prizes to be won and everyone did them was confident. Every body had a great time at the library and went back to school after he left.
Panmure Libary,
Friday, 16 September 2016
Reading Can Do
These are my can do's I have completed today. I did these can do's to practice my smart searching skills and my vocabulary. My favourite can do is the fantastic facts challenge. I also had to write a new can do that our class can do. I worked with sylis for this task. Sylis and I Learnt to share each others and to work collaboratively.
Manu and Sylis,
Reading Can Do
Thursday, 8 September 2016
Cross country Event
Yesterday PBS school went across to the Mt Wellington war memorial park and had school cross country. The weather for us was a bit unlucky because it was raining for a bit of the day but we still encouraged the little kids to run. The day was awesome and kind of tiring for some people but we all tried to come at least the top 4.At the end of the day everyone had fun and at least tried their best. Thanks to Mr Ogilvie for making this happen and setting out the course for us to run.
Basketball - After school
On Wednesday afternoon the year 5,6,7 and 8's had there after school basketball. The year 5 and 6's had there second game against St Patricks gold. They played really hard and at the end of the day they drew 10-10. The years 7&8 played against Point England black. Before we went onto the court Mr had a talk with us. WE showed team work and played hard and thought as a team and came home with a win 14-6.
2016 Manu,
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Math (Working on Decimals)
Today during maths, Mrs Anderson group have been learning about decimals. I had to colour in the squares in my book to find out the decimals Example: There are 10 squares and I have to colour in 5 so that means the decimal is 5.10 or 5/10. I have been learning about decimals in to one place.
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Read 20
Today LS2 has been practicing looking back at the text to find information. I have been practicing to read the passage carefully and properly, I had to think about what the question is asking you to do.
Read Theory,
Understanding the text
Friday, 2 September 2016
Reading - Smog in china
For Reading we have been learning about Smog in china. We learnt what is the consequences and what it can do to us if we get it. Lyndon and I has created this DLO to showcase our learning about Smog in china. We played a little game to show our understanding of Smog in china.
Smog in china - Reading
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Care Awards
Today LS2 has been doing there care awards to finish them off for the year. I worked on doing a DLO about Teamwork and what it means in our school and outside of school. I did this for my care awards to finish of my confident's. I really liked doing this DLO because team work is something I like to use in my sports.
Care awards,
Team work
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