This is my DlO about NYLD. John, Zahn, Sajiha, Silivia, Zeba and I went to this event to see at the leaders that are inspiring. I love it when we went because I got to know a lot about people that have been leaders in there lives. I got told that You don't have to have a badge to be a leader you have to earn it and get to be treated like one.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Ms Kirkpatrick.
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
This is my DlO about NYLD. John, Zahn, Sajiha, Silivia, Zeba and I went to this event to see at the leaders that are inspiring. I love it when we went because I got to know a lot about people that have been leaders in there lives. I got told that You don't have to have a badge to be a leader you have to earn it and get to be treated like one.
6x time tables (Transum)

Today I have been practising on my 6x. I have been practising my 6x on transum, transum has been helping me a lot with this time table. I like doing this a lot because it pushes me to answer them in a time I did this in 40 seconds.
6x time tables (Transum),
7x time tables (Transum)
Today I have been practising my 7x time tables on transum. 7x time tables Are really hard but if you stay on task and practise it everyday you will know them all. I don't know all of them but I am trying my hardest to know them all. I like playing Transum because it helps me know my time tables and I can do this when I am at home.
7x tables,
Transum Maths
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
Thinking grid - Aquatics inquiry
Today me and Eric has done the DLO about the River safety. These are some tips or instruction that we have done. These have really helped me because when I go into the woods and I see a river I can used these tips when I go.
Thinking grid - Aquatics Inquiry
For Aquatics today me and Eric has done this DLO to show how me and him can be water safety. Here are some things that I learnt with him when we did this.
Koala Report
Koala Report
L.I. Write a report from the collective brainstorm with paragraphing
Since Koalas are interesting animals, here are some facts about Koalas. Koalas have an unique appearance, although they look like tiny bears. The diet of koalas is mainly one thing, eucalyptus leaves. Koalas are native to Australia, and there are many interesting facts about Koalas.
Koalas look cuddly and furry but they are wild animals. They have many different body parts than other animals. A very interesting one is that they have two fingers, not many animals have that many fingers. Koalas have a big nose so they can sniff their leaves, to check if they are right for them to eat.
Koalas don’t have many different types of food to eat. They eat eucalyptus leaves to keep them healthy and hydrated for the day. They don’t only eat that they eat their mums poop when they are very young.
Koalas are native to Australia. They need eucalyptus leaves so that they can survive so they are only found in Australia where the trees grow. They are very found from the coastal islands and the eucalyptus forest to low woodlands island. The koala is the only mammal, other than the ringtail possum to live in Australia.
Koalas have many interesting facts but one that I found out that made me think was that koala babies are called joeys. A koala joey is a size of a jellybean! It has no hair, no ears, and is blind. Joeys crawl into their mother’s pouch immediately after birth, and stay there for about six months. The name koala means no drink.
Since Koalas are a very interesting animals,I have told you some facts about Koalas. Koalas have a very unique appearance, although they look like tiny bears they are actually not. The diet of koalas is mainly one thing, eucalyptus leaves. Koalas are native to Australia, and there are many interesting facts about Koalas and their lives.
Today for writing Mrs Kirkpatrick groups has been finishing off there Report on koalas. I have finish mine off and I think its was very fun and interesting to learn about this furry, funny and wild animal. I would like to say that it was amazing to learn about this animal and to find out very interesting things about it.
Report on koalas,
Tuesday, 24 May 2016
Help Mrs Anderson
This is want I did with Cyrus, Daniel, Cj and Eric has done to help Mrs Anderson with her Tweets so she won't get embarrassed from other people. Our group has done this altogether to show our thinking and to show we work hard and collaboratively.
Using our punctuation
This is my work that I have done with Cyrus, Cj and daniel we have done this to help Mrs Anderson with her tweets so she doesn't get embarrassed from the whole world. Our group did this Collaboratively to show our thinking and to help Mrs Anderson on her Tweets.
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
China's Consequences OF a Second Child.
Today for reading my group has read a book about china and the overpopulation that they have and also why the only can have one child. Latham, Harry and I has done this DLO to show the Consequences of a second child. We all have done a reasons in a box Harry has done the first one, Latham has done the second one and I have done the third one. When Latham, Harry and I read the book we found out that if a mother had a baby girl they would have been droped off at a dump or killed.
Main Idea
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
Virtual Tour of Thailand
For this Activity I Worked with Freeman and Eric we learnt how to
use Imgaes properly we made a Virtual Tour of Thailand using right
and safe Images.We used the link where we got the Photo and wrote
who took the photo and the Licence.This is our DLO.
Sunday, 8 May 2016
20 minutes of Reading
Today I have read my book and its a boy that gets lost in the wild and he finds shelter but he does not no that it was haunted. I will rate this book a 10/10 because when I read it gives me a picture in my mind. I like doing this 20 minutes of reading cause when I get a bit bored I can just read a book and then publish it and then I get more post on my blog.
20 minutes of reading at home,
Friday, 6 May 2016
20 minutes of Reading
Today I have done a DLO about my reading at home. This week my book was about a Geonimo Stilton Singing sensation I have read this book for a couple of weeks and I have learnt a lot about it I also learnt that you can chose want you want don''t let others choose for you. I love doing this task because when I read a book everyday after school it gives me knowledge and a lot of interesting things that I can use in college.
India D.L.O.
Today I have done this DLO on India for our inquiry task. I did this to show my learning and my knowledge about India. I found this task interesting because I got to found out a lot of new things like that India celebrate poly in this way, In India they throw colour powder to each other. I also found out that India is the seventh most biggest country.
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Math DLO
Today for math Mrs Anderson groups has done a DLO about our learning on Array's. For this task we have made this DLO to show our learning about it and our thinking on this task. I did this strategy 9 X 6 because it was the hardest one for me but I found out the answer with Mrs Anderrs Strategy that she taught us it looks easy but its a bit hard if you want to try it you can.
Array's DLO-Manu
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
Dog report
Dog Report
Dogs are one of my favourite animals. They can be your best friend. I think dogs are a lot of fun. There are different kinds of dogs but they all need food, special equipment and care.
There are lots of different kinds of dogs. Dogs come in all sorts of different breeds, some dogs are mixed breeds. Some of the most well known breeds are: German Shepherd, Poodle, Spaniel, Labrador, and Boxer. Sometimes mixed breeds have some funny names. For example if you cross a labrador and a poodle you have a labradoodle.
Dogs need to have two meals a day but some dogs might have one meal. Also they need water and nutritious food everyday so they can have a lot of energy for the day, and also if you love your dog and take care of it it will know you very well.
Dogs need to have a lot of special equipment like toys or things to be protected it from running away. If you have like a big dog that is active it should be outside and playing everyday and it also need a lot of care and toys to play with if it is a inside dog. If you take it somewhere big like the public park you might have to buy a collar and leash so it doesn't run away.
They need to have a very good owner and a kind one. Also if you ever try to attack it or hit a dog it might be your enemy it also might attack you so try to be a kind and caring owner or you might get some bite marks on you so be nice and be kind with your dog or whatever animal you get.
In conclusion dogs are my favourite animals. They can be mine and your best friend. I think dogs can be a lot of fun. There are different kinds of dogs but they all need food, special equipment and care. Sometimes dogs can be man’s best friend.
This week for writing we were writing fiction stories about dogs.And we gathered all our information and put it in a sentence. We also did the first paragraph about Kinds of dogs, Food, Equipment and Care our last one was Conlusion.
information Report
Today for reading my group has been learning how to use Synthesizing. We have been doing these posters about different people I have chose Albert Einstein because he was the first person to make the atomic bomb but he didn't want the bomb to be dropped because he wanted peace. I have also learnt that he didn't like school but he like music and science.
2016 Reading,
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
SPaG - Sub
The Subfamily The subfamily were on the subway, then they went to pick up the sub-man. Then they submerged while they were taking a submarine. They hopped out because it was sub-zero and one of them went subdue because they wanted to see what's under water. A while later the sub man talked about how he was subordinate.
This is what we did for reading.We had to find words that go underneath like submarine it goes under water so the key to this was to find words that have sub and that go underneath.We also did a paragraph. I have did this task with my group they were Paige, Zahn and zarah.
2016 Reading,
SPaG - Sub
E-ako maths
Today my group for math has done e-ako maths. I have done the Place value one to finish it off and to also show my learning on how to use it. I have done these two screenshot because they show my thinking and the one that has been kind of difficult for me.
2016 eko math
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